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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Literature review compilations Essay
1. Rao, V. (1993). The rising cost of spouses: A gluttonous examination of settlement increments in country India. Diary of Political Economy, 666-677. Inspiration and goal : Attempts to examine the explanations for the expansion in share . Techniques : It adjusts Rosen’s certain market model to the Indian marriage market and tests forecasts from the model with information from six towns in South Central India and from the Indian registration Theories : Using utility capacity, U is thought to be augmented, given that U is the utility capacity which speak to the family unit inclinations. The capacity will be U = U(X,W,H). Where X alludes to utilization of merchandise, W alludes to the attractive attributes of the lady and her family and H is qualities of the lucky man. Fundamental Findings : It is discovered that a â€Å"marriage squeeze†brought about by populace development, bringing about bigger more youthful companions and thus an overflow of ladies in the marriage s howcase, has assumed a noteworthy job in the ascent in settlements. ( Surplus of ladies over man at eligible ages) 2. Skogrand, L. M., Schramm, D. G., Marshall, J. P., and Lee, T. R. (2005). The impacts of obligation on love birds and suggestions for instruction. Diary of expansion, 43(3), 1. Inspiration and goal : Examines the connection between love bird obligation, chose segment factors, and love bird levels of conjugal fulfillment and alteration.. Techniques: A 38-thing review was sent to an arbitrary example of 2,823 love bird couples in a western state. The couples’ names were haphazardly browsed the marriage licenses that were recorded inside the state during a six-month time frame. Husbands and spouses were approached to finish their overviews separately.The reaction rate was 40%, with 1,010 couples reacting. Speculations and apparatuses : Marital fulfillment was estimated utilizing the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS) (Schumm et al., 1986), and conjugal change was estimated utilizing the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS) (Busby, Crane, Christensen, and Larson, 1995). The KMSS and RDAS are built up measures for surveying conjugal fulfillment and modification, both having relationship coefficients over .78. Primary Findings: The discoveries from this investigation show that entering marriage with customer obligation negatively affects love bird levels of conjugal quality. The vast greater part (70%) of love birds in this examination brought obligation into their marriage relationship. This measure of obligation, alongside different costs related with couples starting their lives together, are likely toâ distract couples from the formative errand of building a solid marriage relationship during the initial barely any months and long stretches of marriage Policy suggestion: .- Because numerous people wed without any than a secondary school instruction, teaching people about obligation and its possibly pessimistic effect on marriage connections should start in secondary school. This might be one approach to assist couples with accomplishing more beneficial relationships 3. S. Dalmia (2004). An epicurean investigation of marriage exchanges in India: evaluating determinants of settlements and demandfor groom qualities in marriage. Research in Economics 58 (2004) 235â€255. Inspiration and goal : This paper utilizes information from a review test study to create and test a structure equipped for clarifying endowment trade and lucky man choice in India. Techniques: Using an example of 1037 families somewhere in the range of 1956 and 1994, this paper creates and tests a system fit for clarifying marriage exchanges and husband to be choice in India. Speculations and instruments : It adjusts Rosen’s (1974) understood market model and takes the view that share is a basic financial exchange that capacities to ‘equalize’ the estimation of marriage administrations traded by the family units of the lady of the hour and husband to be. Primary Findings: Consistent with ethnographic proof, results show that endowments are higher in districts more toward the north. Above all, in opposition to prevalent thinking, it is discovered that holding groom attributes steady, genuine settlements have diminished after some time. At long last, in assessing the parameters of the interest capacities for a lot of husband to be qualities, results show that the most significant determinants of interest for different lucky man properties are cost of the characteristic, bride’s attributes, and the financial status of the bride’s family unit 4. Siwan Anderson (2007). The Economics of Dowry and Brideprice. Diary of Economic Perspectivesâ€Volume 21, Number 4â€Fall 2007â€Pages 151â€174 Inspiration and target: This paper initially builds up some essential realities about the commonness and size of marriage installments. It at that point talks about how such examples fluctuate across nations relying on financial conditions, cultural structures, foundations, and family attributes. Speculations and devices: The portrayals of marriage installments in this paper are synthesizedfrom an interwoven of studies across periods, puts, and even ages, and there are without a doubt various cases which remain undocumented. Discussion: Economists’ enthusiasm for marriage installments incompletely comes from their capability to influence the riches dispersion across ages and families. Be that as it may, financial examination has not legitimately researched these government assistance effects of marriage installments. In this regard, marriage moves which are bound for the couple, either as share or dower, may work uniquely in contrast to those which are paid straightforwardly from one lot of guardians to the next, similar to lady of the hour cost or husband to be cost. The previous installment is an intergenerational move. The last structures a flowing asset, with receipt for relationships of one sex being utilized to pay for relationships of offspring of the other. 5. Sarwat Afzal and Imtiaz Subhani (2009). To Estimate An Equation Explaining The Determinants Of Dowry. Iqra University Inspiration and goal : The focal point of this investigation is to assess a condition clarifying the determinants of share. Strategies: The information of 140 respondents is utilized to inspect the factors to decide the settlement size, informational collection on husband qualities and endowment. The examination has been centered around investigation that endowment paid is reliant on which factors Subject in the provincial subcontinent. Since the target of study is to gauge the condition clarifying the determinant of endowment so all the factors given in the information are takes as free and the settlement paid is taken as reliant variable. Speculations and instruments: This paper decide the determinants of endowment, utilizing various relapse investigation, the creator utilized the ANOVA table, R2 incentive to organize the determinants of settlement cost. Fundamental Findings: This examination recommended that settlement paid depends on the status and the abundance of husbandâ€℠¢s family just as the instruction of the husband’s father that are the significant determinants of the frequency of shares. The impact of husband’s father training is accounted as an indicator for the arrangement of endowment paid 6. Edlund, L. (2006). The cost of marriage: Net versus net streams and the South Asian endowment banter. Diary of the European Economic Association, 4(2†3), 542-551. Inspiration and goal : The ascent in share installments in India has been taken as proof that ladies progressively are off guard on the marriageâ market and must compensation for marriage. In addition, high endowments, it is contended, add to the predicament of guardians of little girls and have consequently added to the shortage of (ladies). Be that as it may, the rationale is interested, and, this paper contends, defective. The term â€Å"dowry†can mean various things, and it might be valuable to recognize the advantages the lady of the hour brings at the hour of marriage (net settlement) and those got against the man of the hour installments (net endowment). The previous is what is for the most part implied by endowment, while the last is an idea utilized chiefly by business analysts Methods: Data are from a review overview of relationships led in 1983 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). These information have been utilized in various investigations of South Asian settlement expansion. ICRISAT directed a separated irregular example of 40 families each from six towns in South-focal India. The primary family wedded in 1923 and the toward the end in 1978. Primary Findings: Empirically, the paper has demonstrated that in a much-utilized informational collection on share expansion, net settlements didn't increment in the period after 1950, belying cases of â€Å"recent†increments. In addition, factors intended to catch marriage-crush or male comparative with female heterogeneity neglected to move settlements in the normal course. 7. Balwick, J. (1975). The capacity of the settlement framework in a quickly modernizing society: The instance of Cyprus. Worldwide Journal of Sociology of the Family, 158-167. Inspiration and goal : The motivation behind this paper is to look at the practical connection between the endowment framework and modernization for the nation of Cyprus. Two deductions attempted to be attracted this paper are endeavor to create is two 1) the share framework has served an inert capacity in empowering a fast pace of urban, Industrial, and innovative advancement in Cyprus; and (2) that the quick pace of mechanical improvement in Cyprus, alongside new ideas of conjugal game plan, are debilitating the significance of the settlement framework Methods: The examination of this paper’s point will start by considering the capacity of the endowment framework in Traditional Greek Cypriot society, move to a thought of the capacity of the endowment framework during quick modernization, go to a thought of the impact of modernization upon the endowment framework, and finish up byâ speculating with respect to the conceivable impact which a decrease in the share framework wil l have upon marriage. Principle Findings: modernization is a danger to the proceeded with presence of the endowment framework. The contention was made that, other than the significant parts of modernization themselves, the idea of sentimental love, as a side-effect of a larg
Saturday, August 22, 2020
John Chrysostom Is an Excellent Example of Antiochene Exegesis
He was not new to crafted by Shakespeare. Einstein is certainly not a terrible mathematician. 6. Modest representation of the truth is the portrayal of something as essentially short of what it ctually may be; the place a courteous expression is utilized instead of a harsher or increasingly hostile articulation. That was some sprinkle. (regarding the overwhelming precipitation which fell an hour prior to) l must have this activity. It isnt intense. I have this little tumor on the cerebrum. 7. Code word is the replacement of a refined or less hostile term for an unforgiving one. A doublespeak is the utilization of unbiased language to comment something that might be hostile to the collector. Code word is regularly utilized by individuals who are conciliatory, and who wish to be politically right. We need to release you. Peruse: Youre terminated. Youre all around took care of. Peruse: Youre fat. 8. Absolute opposite is an immediate differentiation in which two sets if fgures are set contrary to each other; characterized as a resistance or logical inconsistency between two ideas in an announcement. We will compose a custom article test on Saying or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It came down throughout the night the day I left, the climate it was dry, The sun so blistering, I solidified to death Youre simple on the eyes, hard on the heart 9. Catch 22 is an opposing proclamation which may show up bogus, yet is in reality evident. War is harmony. Opportunity is subjugation. Numbness is quality. 10. Ironic expression utilizes an opposing descriptive word to characterize an item, circumstance or occasion. Introverts club. A strippers changing area. 1 . Anaphora is reiteration of a similar word or words toward the start or progressive provisos, stanzas, or sentences, He came as champion. He came as partner. He came as an outsider. He came as sibling. Water, water, all over the place, Water, water, all over, Nor any drop to drink. 12. Similar sounding word usage alludes to the redundancy of a consonant sound, in any event multiple times in a sentence. It is frequently utilized as a hyperbole in verse, and even commercials use similar sounding word usage in their slogans to make the promotions increasingly noteworthy. Dont postpone first lights incapacitating presentation. Nightfall requests sunshine. Saras seven sisters dozed sufficiently in sand. 13. Sound similarity is redundancy of vowel sounds, most ordinarily inside a short section of refrain. Known narcissists, tasting on arsenic, Carved remains in the carport, dont leave in it, Hard as discovering impeded children at Harvard, Its Wolf Gang yapping keep you up like vehicle alerts. The luxurious miserable dubious stirring of each purple drapery. 14. Likeness in sound is utilized to impersonate the sounds verified items or activities. The bang of utensils. The shudder of fowls. 15. Jokes allude to the intentional replacement of comparative sounding words to make an amusing impact. I wager the butcher a few days ago that he couldnt arrive at the meat that was on the first rate. He would not take the wager, saying that the steaks were excessively high. Santas aides are subordinate Clauses. 16. Metonymy alludes to the utilization of an expression with respect to a related idea, so as to depict the real idea. The article page has consistently trusted This alludes to the conviction of the editors who compose the publication page. He composes a fine hand. It implies he has great penmanship. 17. Representation alludes to the specialty of enlivening a lifeless thing, characteristic, or The image in that magazine shouted for consideration. The cut pumpkin grinned at me. 18. Inference is easygoing reference to a renowned authentic or abstract figure or occasion. .. a manner of expression even Shakespeare would appreciate. 19. Punctuation is an immediate location of a missing or dead individual or represented thing. Lord have mercy on me! Aspiration, youre a coldblooded ace! 20. Synecdoche is utilizing a section for the entire or the entire for a section The pen is mightier than the blade They live respectively in one rooftop.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer Essay Example For Students
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer Essay To state that Tom Sawyer was a normal little fellow experiencing childhood in Illinois would be putting it mildly. TheAdventures of Tom Sawyer, composed by Mark Twain is a totally charming book. Each scene is moreexciting than the earlier one, which is the reason this book gets five stars. Set in the old Southwest in a nearly neediness stricken decrepit town called St. Petersburg. The entire townknows each other, and obviously they know every others business. Sunday was the heavenly day when everyonewould assemble at the congregation to share any useful info on the previous weeks occasions. The youngsters needed to depend on makinggood clean fun from small environmental factors. Swimming, angling, picnicking, and playing Hide n look for in the longhot summer days were all acceptable approaches to breathe easy. We will compose a custom paper on The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now However, Tom was more bold than that, and with his closest companion Huckleberry Finn, he lived regularly to itsfullest. Tom had somewhat more tutoring than Huck, however Huck was experiencing childhood with the avenues and enduring simply fineconsidering that his dad was a smashed. Tom had a decent home, being raised by his Aunt Polly, (his mom diedso her sister took him in). He likewise lived with his stepbrother, Sid, whoms primary target in life was to makeToms hopeless by ratting him out constantly, and his tranquil cousin Mary. His tricks were keen however. The way that he transformed whitewashing the fence as a discipline into an amazing encounter for the entirety of the young men intown who couldnt stand by to hold the brush and paint. Tom was not a terrible kid, only a curious one whos mindnever rested continually dreaming, and making his fantasies sound so great, he could generally rope Huck Finn intohis adventures. Tom couldnt untruth, and he couldnt see somebody languish over the wrongdoings of another, as observed when he tells the truthabout the homicide of Dr. Robinson. It took genuine guts to blame Injun Joe, the crossbreed, who was alsoone of the most awful lowlifes in the town. Tom was likewise faithful to his companions, and demonstrated that when hewouldnt tell that Huck Finn was with him that night the specialist was murdered in the burial ground. Tom additionally couldntleave Becky Thatcher in the cavern when they were lost and she had everything except surrendered any desire for being found. Becky and Huck comprehended what sort of youthful man of honor Tom could be. Becky was his genuine affection, in spite of the fact that theirrelationship had some exceptionally rough occasions, as imagined when they were attempting to make each other envious atschool. They were both conversing with another, yet they kept their eyes on one another, searching for a gleam ofjealousy, however neither would make the principal move, and they ended up harming each other. Tom stayed genuine toBecky when he secured for her after she coincidentally tore a page in the instructors book. Mr. Dobbins wentaround the homeroom inquiring as to whether they realized who tore the page, and not long before he got to Becky,Tom bounced up and said that he did it, realizing without a doubt that he would get a lashing from Mr. Dobbins afterschool. Huck figured out how to acknowledge Tom when he, Tom, and Joe fled to the island to be privateers. The way that Tomconvinced the young men, despite the fact that they were achy to visit the family, to remain on the island until Sunday was brilliant. Theirreturn home during their memorial service benefits after everybody accepted they were dead, was splendid. Making a grandentrance, accepting much love from their friends and family, and not being reproved for fleeing was justperfect. Why he even had the townspeople happy to see Huck, despite the fact that they truly didnt know him. .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .postImageUrl , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:hover , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:visited , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:active { border:0!important; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:active , .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uef79791f339 26f345898718a8b90a0c3 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uef79791f33926f345898718a8b90a0c3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Play EssayTom was continually searching for the easy method to bring in cash. While chasing for covered fortune, he and Huck foundmore than they expected. They discovered that Injun Joe was alive, and had a lot of gold in a container hewas going to stow away. Huck tailed him, and ended up hearing that he was wanting to burglarize and execute the widowDouglas. Huck turned into a legend when he spared the widow by telling the Welshmans, who went to her house,chased Injun Joe away, and saved her. The young men at last proceeded to recuperate Injun Joes surges of gold that hehad covered in the cavern, (Tom found the spot when Beck y and he were lost in there for a considerable length of time), and asserted it fortheir own. They at long last had their prize. The huge result for being fine youngsters with only a tad of zest andvinegar to keep things occurring in the town intriguing. Huck got a home with the widow Douglas. Tomreceived some much love and consideration from Aunt Polly and Becky. This book is a work of art, and it will live on until the end of time. It is pleasant, and it keeps you needing to peruse more andmore. It is an incredible book for everybody to peruse, young ladies and young men the same. I particularly feel that young men from twelve tofifteen will truly appreciate it since they can place themselves in Toms spot, and dream that they are doing all ofthe wild things that Tom did. This book shows that there is acceptable in everybody, regardless of whether they are rich or poor,young or old, kid or young lady, even the feisty troublemakers of the town. I appreciated this book hugely, and highlyrecommend it for others to peruse.
Target Corporation Essay Example for Free
Target Corporation Essay Target Corporation is one of America’s greatest partnerships as indicated by Fortune 500. Target is a retailer that works general product and food markdown stores. Being one of the greatest and one of the main retailers in the America, Target appreciates a solid market position to advance market openings and adds to their dealing power. Here are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) investigation of Target Corporation. Qualities 1. Advance innovation expanded client inclination for Internet shopping. 2. Target Corporation keeps on growing by reporting their arrangement to open more stores in Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles. 3. Target Corporation is the second greatest concession retailer in United States. 4. Target Bulls eye logo is perceive by Ninety-seven percent of American shoppers. 5. Target is the main gift voucher merchant than some other retailer in the United States. 6. Target is opening 220 stores in Canada, which is the main worldwide extension. Shortcoming 1. Target stores don't sell guns and tobacco items. 2. Target settled to diminish their exchanges on all provisions having polyvinyl chloride. 3. Target Corporation got analysis and debate from individuals from the gay and lesbian network for their gifts to hostile to gay gatherings. 4. Negative exposure in 2004, when Target chose to square Salvation Army from looking for gifts at its stores. 5. Target Corporation doesn't have the preferred position seriously because of more significant expenses than different retailers do. Openings 1. Organization positioned at number 38 in Fortune 500 starting at 2012 (Fortune, 2012). 2. Target positioned number 64 on Corporate Responsibility Magazine rundown of 100 Best Corporate Citizens (CRM, 2012). 3. Target positioned number 25 on Fortune magazine rundown of World’s Most Admired Companies (Fortune, 2012). 4. Target got a score of 100 from The Human Rights Campaign on its 2013 Corporate Equality Index (Human, 2012). 5. Target positioned number 30 on DiversityInc magazine rundown of Top 50 Companies for Diversity (DiversityInc, 2012). 6. Target positioned 28 in America’s Top 50 Organizations for Multicultural Business Opportunities by (DiversityBusiness, 2012). 7. Target positioned number 22 on Forbes magazine and the Reputation Institute rundown of America’s Most Reputable Companies (Smith, 2012). 8. Universum positioned Target number 38 on its Ideal Employer List as reviewed by American MBAs, and number 28 as overviewed by Americ an students (Light, 2012). 9. Target positioned among the 2012 Best Companies for Hourly Workers by Working Mother Media (Working, 2012). 10. The National Conference on Citizenship and Points of Light, in association with Bloomberg LP, positioned Target number 16 on the main complete positioning of the Civic 50 (Bloomberg, 2012). 11. Newsweek magazine positioned Target number 85 out of 500 on its U.S. Green Rankings 2012 (Newsweek, 2012). 12. Target scored a 87 B on the 2012 Carbon Disclosure Project SP 500 Report, an expansion more than 2011 positioning score of 77 C (Carbon, 2012). 13. Target named to the 2012 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World Index (Dow, 2012). 14. Target named an individual from the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2012 Million Dollar Club for its duty to provider decent variety and Hispanic Business Enterprises (USHCC, 2012). 15. Target named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute (Ethisphere, 2012). 16. Target named as one of the Top Corporation for Women’s Business Enterprises by The Women’s Business Enterprise National Counc il (WBENC, 2012). 17. Recapturing of generally economy is commendable open door for Target Corporation since it will flood prerequisite for the items. Dangers 1. Target Corporation rivaling Wal-Mart, Kmart, and different retailers. 2. The Attorney General and 20 California District Attorneys documented a case in Alameda County asserting that Target has been unlawfully dumping unsafe squanders in landfill on June 2009. 3. Client discernment that Target Corporation items are more exorbitant than different retailers. The qualities and openings are the most pertinent pieces of SWOT examination that cause speculators to put resources into Target Corporation. On January 13, 2011, Target announced its first worldwide venture into Canada and it causes the speculators to be energized for the open doors for this partnership to do well to universally. Also, Target Corporations keep on being perceived, position, and granted by various magazines and relationship for being perhaps the best organization in the United States. Those acknowledgments and grants make the organization progressively significant and that estimation of the organization and their name has showcasing significance that give them resilience for quite a long time to come (Target, 2012). Partners are gatherings of individuals who have an enthusiasm for an organization or business association. Inner partners are those individuals from the business association, for example, proprietors, supervisors, staffs, and representatives. Be that as it may, outer partners are not part of the organization, for example, clients, providers, network, and government. Each inside partner has their own needs and trusting that the organization can give or satisfy their need. For some proprietors, their business in their greatest resource and proprietor will ensure it to make sure about his/her budgetary future. For greater partnership like Target, they ensure they adhere to the national and nearby law to stay away from claim and terrible exposure. Investor is a person that own portions of stock in the organization along these lines they have option to decide on choice about the association. Investor essential need is to expand the estimation of their stocks and improve their incentive in the organization by purchasing more stocks to have greater impact on the choice inside the organization. Directors and representatives needs are nearly the equivalent. They need employer stability with benefits, great compensation, medical coverage, and adaptability. Likewise, the most significant requirements for every single inward partner is benefit since this is the main thrust that control the eventual fate of the organization and can give the entirety of the them their own needs. Outside partner needs are not quite the same as the inside partner since interior partner is the one giving and satisfying to fulfill outer partner needs. Clients are the most significant partners since they are the main explanation that we have systematic Target Corporation. Clients have such a large number of necessities that supervisors and representatives attempting to give to them as much as possible. Client needs are neighborly delegate, markdown costs, nature of items, polished skill, and extraordinary client administrations. Provider most significant needs are to have a decent business relationship with the partnerships since it gives them dependability on their own association. Network needs is to improve their own locale for making work, good cause association and by expanding the estimation of their locale. Target Corporation can give it to them since they can make a great many employments in the network and giving assets to various associations inside nearby networks. Government needs from Target Corporation is for them to help the network by giving occupations, gifts to good cause and above all else is for the organization to follow the administration arrangements and guidelines. Target Corporation in the most parts satisfied most if not the entirety of the partner needs. Target Corporation is one of the greatest and effective organizations in United States so the proprietors and investors needs of benefits, dependability, and money related security are effectively meets. For directors and workers, the organization gave them adaptability, medical advantages, retirement plan, disaster protection, get-away, markdown, for example, 10% for part and childcare, handicap inclusion, preparing and advancement assets, vocation arranging and alternative for bunch lawful arrangement. For people group partner, Target Corporation gave 5% of Target’s benefit to neighborhood networks. They have organization with network association, for example, Diversity Best Practices, The Executive Leadership Council, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility and NAACP. What's more, they urged their colleague to chip in their time, skill, and abilities to help the network ventures. For government partner, Target Corporation has a solid organization with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help fiasco endeavors. They additionally have wellbeing and readiness association to other taxpayer driven organization, for example, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and American Red Cross. For provider partner, they effectively draw in with various provider to help all area of the organization. What's more, they create different provider associations with Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerc e, National Minority Supplier Development Council, National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, and National Veteran Owned Business Association. For client who is the most significant partner, Target Corporation gives them quality items, extraordinary help, serious value, number of choice, best qualities, and accommodation shopping. Generally, Target Corporation addresses partner issues. I am certain they are scarcely any individuals feel that their needs are not met or fulfilled the manner in which they need it yet you can't fulfill everyone. The significant thing is Target Corporation keeps on looking on how they can improve to help their partner. They keep on propelling consumer loyalty overview, ask their representatives, and work with the legislature and networks to improve their organization relationship with partners and this is the manner by which Target Corporation can satisfy the need of partner. Target Corporation keeps on making enhancements to remain the number two retailer stores in the nation. Target financ
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Get into University of Washington School of Medicine
document.createElement('audio'); Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | Spotify Interview with Dr. LeeAnna Muzquiz, Associate Dean for Admission at University of Washington School of Medicine [Show Summary] Our guest today is Dr. LeeAnna Muzquiz, UWSOM Associate Dean of Admissions, UWSOM grad and professor, and citizen of the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) in Montana. She dives deep into the University of Washington School of Medicine program, mission and admissions practices during this packed podcast. Additionally she provides an excellent overview of how the WWAMI regional program shapes admissions at UW. Finally, she offers can’t-miss advice to UW medical school applicants. Listen in! Get into University of Washington Medical School [Show Notes] Dr. Muzquiz, can you give an overview of the UW SOM’s curriculum focusing on its more distinctive aspects? [2:17] The UW School of Medicine did an overhaul of its curriculum and implemented it with the incoming class of 2015. We are all still getting used to it but essentially we changed the way that we helped students get ready for clinical medicine with exposure right out of the gate. There are three phases (rather than the more traditional two years of basic science and two years of clinical exposure). The design is a layered approach – there is a foundation phase, patient care phase, and explore and focus phase, which really reflects the progress of the student and maturation from student to physician. Starting with orientation and immersion during the first two weeks of medical school it is all about exploring what it is to be a doctor, basic exam skills, and also exposure to service learning and health systems. Students come in with whatever their passion is, and we offer all kinds of different ways to tailor their education. What are threads, themes, and pathways? [5:12] The overall approach is really to be multi-layered and longitudinal to help med students and physicians develop critical thinking skills. Essentially, how does basic science, pathophysiology, and physiology really relate to patients walking into the hospital? Threads are both scientific and clinical offered throughout each block, including anatomy, physiology, and pathology. For example, in the first block of the curriculum you are studying the molecular and cellular basis of disease, which will include cell physiology, genetics, pathology, and histology and all of those things will be part of expectations to be mastered in that block. That is the thread going through. The next phase would be Invaders and Defenders, looking at the immune system, microbiology, seeing the anatomy of how that works, pharmacology, etc., so much more system oriented. The themes are recurrent throughout. How does this then look in terms of the value-based concepts diversity, ethics, and population health – when applying to real people? We are teaching students to think much more like physicians need to think at the end of training, but we’re starting that training in the beginning of it. Pathways are extracurricular certifications to meet the needs of students who have additional interests – the Indian Health pathway is what I did. Other pathways include Hispanic Health, Global Health, Underserved Health, and LGBTQ Health, and you receive additional training in those fields. UW serves the WWAMI states, which include Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. How does that work? Is there a set number of students that you take from each of the WWAMI states? In total?[11:45] We are a state institution, with the main campus located in Seattle, but we collaborate with surrounding states since none of them have their own public in-state medical school. There are 270 slots in total each year for medical school, with 160 seats for Washington residents (100 will do the foundation in Seattle proper, and the other 60 in Spokane), Wyoming has 20 seats with the foundation in Laramie WY, Alaska has 20 seats with foundation in Anchorage, Montana has 30 seats with foundation in Bozeman, and Idaho has 40 seats with foundation in Moscow, ID. Within that Seattle cohort 10 of those are MD/PHD students with a separate admissions process but they still go through committee and are included in our class each year. For each of those states the competition is against other same-state applicants. The foundation is approximately 18 months, and after that is the patient care phase (clinical clerkships of about a year), which one can do in any of the five WWAMI states, based on i nterests and availability. What is the TRUST program? [17:00] Targeted Rural and UnderServed Track is what TRUST stands for, and the program recruits students looking to serve that population, often in primary care. You identify at time of admission that you are looking at the TRUST program, and we fill a certain number of slots in each state. With that, if selected, you have opportunities to be connected with rural communities, smaller cities, or in urban cities with underserved populations. That is your home base for the entire medical school curriculum. You spend time before matriculation and meet the community and get to know them. During foundations you reconnect with the TRUST site. There is a break at the one-year mark of the summer where students have the opportunity to do lots of different things with a less blocked structure, like doing a summer research project, and TRUST students work with rural/underserved communities between the first and second years, then do clinical clerkships at the TRUST site as well. Students come away with a TRUST certification, and we like to think and believe that with the exposure to rural and underserved communities they are more likely to go into specialty areas that serve those communities. Let’s turn to admission at UW, your secondary application is one of the few that is actually posted on the schools website, which is very helpful to applicants. In your secondary you ask for a 250-word-max autobiographical sketch that should not duplicate the AMCAS PS. You also ask: †¢ How have your experiences prepared you to be a physician? †¢ What perspectives or experiences do you bring that would enrich the class? †¢ What obstacles have you experienced and how have you overcome them? †¢ How have societal inequities in the U.S. affected you or patients you have worked with? Why these questions? What are you trying to glean? [23:45] Their story, and we give them the space to expand on their story. I often tell applicants to make the application a story of you. With the primary application you are limited in space and content, and the secondary is an opportunity to tell us more in depth about themselves, and also is a place to provide updates. We like people to reflect and articulate their experiences on how they have contributed to their pursuit of becoming a doctor. What about those experiences helps solidify this decision for you? Reflection is key for us. We like our process to be as transparent as possible, which is why we publish the questions. We believe in continuous improvement, and we get input from committee members and current students throughout the process and now on the admissions committee, things like, â€Å"I wish maybe people coming in would be more prepared in this or that area.†We want the questions to be meaningful, not hoops to go through. We take them very seriously. For the obstacle question, I am always struck by a person’s ability to overcome great obstacles to get to where they are, but also, we appreciate the things we wouldn’t have necessarily thought of as obstacles. In the grand scheme of things it might not be a big deal, but what is key is, â€Å"This is what I learned, and I am a better person now.†Even something as simple as getting a B+ on an exam, it doesn’t haven’t to be a major catastrophe. Everybody’s definition of an obstacle is different. Sometimes we just learn what value you can get out of even the most trivial things. UW is also piloting the CASPer. Why? What’s the purpose. [28:46] CASPer is a situational judgement test, and basically it’s an online vignette of scenarios that test takers are asked to write a response to. It’s not being used as decision-making tool for the class entering in 2019, but what we are hoping for is to get at things like an applicant’s professionalism, ethics, communication skills, empathy, and ability to work in teams. Hopefully it will help us in the overall admission process. We plan to evaluate based on the scores of the entering class and what it can tell us about our process and how it might be useful as a supplement. UW has a total of 8,607 application for the class that entered in 2017. 1,356 from WWAMI and 7251 from out of the region (OOR) . Within WWAMI it accepted roughly 18.6% and from OOR .2%. How do you winnow it down both inside and outside of WWAMI. The big difference comes in at the interview invitation stage. How do you decide whom to interview? [32:26] I am amazed at the winnowing process, but it is really well thought-out and well designed. We obviously need some way to get from large to small, so we have an initial screen of metrics – we have a threshold of GPA and MCAT that screens out some people automatically. Those applications are never seen by us, and usually that gets us to a manageable couple thousand. Then applications are put in different buckets – WWAMI and OOR. If OOR folks make it through the metrics they are asked to do a mission essay. For OOR we are looking for people with a very strong demonstration of service or who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Then they are screened again to see if they have the qualities we are looking for to interview. WWAMIs don’t have an additional essay, but if they get through metric screening they are invited to do the secondary. All apps are screened by two people and possibly a third if there is any conflict. A positive screen results in an invitation to in terview. There is more winnowing between the primary and secondary as opposed to the secondary and interview. What can someone invited to interview expect on interview day? [35:54] Hopefully a warm welcome and many snacks throughout the day! Beyond that, it’s a full day, with a basic introduction, scheduled things like a high level overview of curriculum and overview in general – things like pathways and TRUST and options within the curriculum. They go on a tour led by current students, have a question and answer sessions with faculty members, lunch with students, and a 30-minute panel interview, with three adcom members interviewing one applicant. If applying to one of the regional campuses, your interviews will take place in those states on those campuses. Seattle folks in Seattle, Spokane in Spokane. The interview itself is standardized across all sites. It is structured such that each applicant has an exec committee rep there (who presents the application in the smaller group that does actual voting), and two adcom members that are part of the team, and it is a question/answer format. All the interview information, like the kinds of questions, are on the website. One is a role play, which is to understand how you think on your feet – navigating an ethical or difficult situation. It is not meant to put people on the spot or make people uncomfortable. It is meant to be done in a kind manner, but being physician can be hard, so we want to know how applicants respond to that. We don’t have MMI as part of the interview How does UW evaluate multiple MCAT scores? [41:51] The reality is that with multiple MCAT scores and a metric cutoff we are looking at the most recent score, but with our screeners and interviewers looking at an application in general, we use the most recent as the score you have but we do look at the trajectory, timing, and a piece of advice to applicants: have you reflected on what might have been going on with lower scores, and did you improve over time, and if so, how were you able to do that? If you didn’t improve with multiple attempts have you identified the challenges? We are doing the holistic review. While it is a number, what does it mean to you? If it is on the edge or below a threshold we are going to wonder. How do graduate education and grades fit into your evaluation of a candidate. Let’s say the applicant’s grades as an undergrad were less than stellar and then they got motivated and did a graduate program in public health with a strong science curriculum or an MS in epidemiology or another relevant masters degree, and they did very well. How does the masters GPA or postbac program fit into your evaluation? [44:06] Again, no applicant is evaluated on a single aspect of their application. This is a really good example of where we really try to look at the overall picture, and the trajectory matters. We recognize that right out of the gate, college isn’t for everybody, maybe you weren’t socially adjusted, or just not prepared. Unfortunately the GPA we look at and that we use for the metric screen is from the first three years of undergrad. When we are looking at the applicant overall that does matter. With struggles early, how you performed in a graduate or postbac program is important and it’s looked on favorably if you performed well. If you go on with your education and have trouble that is going to be questioned as well. If someone is on the waitlist, is there anything he or she can do to improve their chances of moving from that list to acceptance? [46:29] Not really. We don’t expect letters of intent and we really don’t factor in any new information. It should be kept in mind that traffic rules have changed, and applicants should be aware of what it means to â€Å"plan to enroll†vs â€Å"commit to enroll.†Applicants are asked to help navigate class makeup by declaring their intention in the spring. Around April 30 applicants need to say â€Å"commit to enroll,†which requires them to withdraw their names from other programs. If you commit to another program and are on our alternate list, you will be removed from our alternate list. Those are things to play close attention to. And on a forward-looking note, what advice would you give to med school applicants planning to apply to UW in 2019 for a 2020 matriculation? [50:31] A couple things are making sure you are preparing yourself now for things that need to happen over that time. The one thing I really stress to applicants and anyone who might be interested in applying is it’s your journey, and you need to do it your way. In general there is not any one prescriptive way to being successful in getting into med school. Doing the things that feed your soul are way more important than just checking the boxes. With whatever things you think are important to the application, you are much more likely to be successful if you are doing things that are authentic to you. Nuts and bolts, make sure your application is your story, it is written well, and that you have other people read it – people that know and don’t know you – to assess whether it flows well, or is the grammar correct. We have to look for things to be critical about, so if you have neglected something, what does that mean if you want to be in a profession that requires detail? Also, you don’t have to submit on the first day, it doesn’t give you a leg up over anyone else. Just don’t apply until all of the things are ready. We often run into a situation where people want to include supplemental information and we just don’t do that. Finally, make sure you spend time researching the programs you are applying to. There are lots of places you can get lots of advice, but make sure you’re applying to places you’d actually go to – where you understand their mission and it speaks to you. It is a very heavy commitment, so you want to make sure you understand that beforehand. Any question you would have liked me to ask? [54:50] I can’t emphasize enough that what we do at UW School of Medicine is very mission driven. At a very basic level our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of the public and communities we serve, the five state region. We do that by being focused in primary care, underserved populations, research, advancing knowledge, and being leaders in academic medicine. It is a broad message, but it’s important for applicants to understand that. We take it very seriously, and our admissions team is committed to seeing that mission all the way through. Please have an understanding of that. Another thing that is important for people interested in going into medicine is to have a sense of what’s going on in the world. Now, that’s really broad and general, but having some level of consciousness about the social determinants of health, how that impacts communities, what the state of health looks like, these are really important things. If you have a sense of why some people are healthy or less healthy that can take you a long way to finding solutions. We are looking for those types of things in applicants as well. Related Links: †¢ The Ultimate Guide to Medical School Interview Success, a free guide †¢ University of Washington School of Medicine Admissions †¢Ã‚ UWSOM Secondary Essay Tips †¢ Accepteds Medical School Admissions Services Related Shows: †¢ All About Duke Medical Schools Unique Curriculum and How to Get in †¢ Endocrinologist, Writer and Bollywood Critic Tells Her Story †¢ Why Should Medical School Take Four Years? †¢ The Military: One Way to Get an MD Debt-Free †¢ Lets Learn About Utah SOM from its Associate Dean of Admissions †¢Pediatrician and Social Entrepreneur: Meet Dr. Anne Steptoe Subscribe: Podcast Feed
Thursday, July 2, 2020
The Best Ways to Prepare for an Essay Exam
Before the Exam College students are often intimidated by essay exams, a common final exam format for courses in the humanities and social sciences. Because the exam itself provides so little structure for your answers, it can feel impossible to get all of your thoughts on paper in an organized way without running out of time. As someone who has graded a lot of college students’ exams, I’ve realized that students most often lose points because they don’t realize that an exam essay is a specific genre of writing that you can practice in advance, even if you don’t know the exact questions you’ll be answering. By developing a strategy for success in writing exam essays, you’ll be able to make sure that the material you worked hard all semester to learn shows up in your answers on the day of the test. Before the Exam 1. Brainstorm possible exam questions. A good way to do this is to make two lists: one of all the lessons or units you’ve covered (for example, all the authors you’ve read for an English class, or all the historical events you’ve covered in a history class), and another of all the major concepts and key terms that you’ve talked about in the class. Then you can mix and match items from these lists to form potential questions. For example, if you were taking a theatre class, you might come up with a question like, â€Å"How do Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams use the techniques of psychological realism?†. O’Neill and Williams would come from your list of authors, and psychological realism would come from your list of key terms. Other good examples of exam questions are discussion questions your instructor asked in class and any prompts you had for papers during the semester. While it’s unlikely your instructor will replicate any of these exact questions on the exam, reviewing what kinds of questions she asks will help you remember what key terms or concepts are particularly important to her. Write down several sample questions and outline the main ideas you would want to include in your answer. 2. Practice your essay-writing strategy using your sample questions. I recommend practicing the three steps with a timer set for five minutesâ€â€these steps are for preparing and organizing an essay (not actually writing it), so you want to practice doing them relatively quickly. They’ll give you a clear structure to fill in. The first thing to do when you start an essay is to quickly brainstorm a list of everything you can think of in relationship to that question: key terms, details, facts, dates, authorsâ€â€whatever seems relevant. This should just be a quick task of getting everything in your head on paper. Then figure out your claim. Answers to essay questions should have an argument that clearly answers the question and that makes a claim that is debatable (as opposed to factual or descriptive). If you’re having trouble, an easy format for writing an argument is â€Å"Although ____________, ______________.†For example, your claim could be, â€Å"Although both O’Neill and Williams use realism in their plays, Williams is more interested in how psychological realism can be achieved through design elements.†(This format works especially well for compare-contrast questions.) Finally, outline the essay. The argument will come first, in the introduction, and then map out the main point you want to cover in each body paragraph. During the Exam 1. Keep track of time. When the exam starts, write down the end time, and then write down when you should finish each sectionâ€â€for example, if it’s a three-hour exam, and you have five essays to write, you might choose to give yourself 30 minutes per essay, which leaves you 30 minutes at the end to reread your work. Make sure you stick to your scheduleâ€â€you don’t want to spend a lot of time perfecting one essay and then run out of time for the rest. Many instructors will give partial credit even for an unfinished or messy essay, but they can’t give you any points for an essay you didn’t write at all. 2. Follow the essay-writing strategy you practiced: list, claim, outline, write. Don’t bother including big general statements like, â€Å"Playwrights are always interested in psychology,†in your essaysâ€â€just get straight to the specific points you want to cover. Sticking to your outline will help keep your essay organized, which will make it easier for you to cover all your main points in the available time. Staying organized will also make it easier for your instructor to follow your train of thought when she’s grading. Most of what you write in an essay is analysis of how the evidence you’ve chosen supports the argument you’re making. If you get stuck writing, ask yourself, â€Å"How does this evidence support my claim?†. 3. Go in confident. You know you’re well-preparedâ€â€don’t let nerves get in your way! Eat a good breakfast, listen to your favorite song on the way to the exam, bring a bottle of water and lots of extra pens and pencils, and show up early. (And if you have a mental health condition or learning disability that can lead to test-taking anxiety, talk to the office of disability services at your school well in advance of the exam. They may be able to provide you with test-taking accommodations like a quiet room or extra time.) An essay exam is a chance for you to show off what you’ve learned this semesterâ€â€it’s not meant to trick you. (Multiple choice exams are actually the place to worry about trick questions.) Instructors generally want you to do well on the final exam, so try to think of the exam as a great capstone for your hard work in the class. Good luck! After growing up on a farm in Iowa, Danielle moved to Massachusetts, where she studied English with a citation (minor) in Spanish at Harvard University. At Harvard, Danielle was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as a junior and graduated summa cum laude a year later. She spent most of her free time in college in the theatre shop, building sets with power tools. Danielle went on to earn her Master's degree in Renaissance Literature at the University of Cambridge, before accepting a Global Academic Fellowship in Writing at New York University Abu Dhabi for the following year. She is currently a PhD student in English and Theatre, and a member of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, at Columbia University. Danielle is one of our many incredible English and writing tutors. Interested in learning more about ways we can support you? ; So you loved the article, but you're still craving more? Check out some of our previous blogs on the subject of English below! Four Types of Questions and When to Ask Them The Writing Tutor: How to Love a Poem The Writing Tutor: The Vital Importance of Writing Badly
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay on Enron Questionable Accounting Leads to Collapse
ENRON: QUESTIONABLE ACCOUNTING LEADS TO COLLAPSE CRYSTAL RUFF GLOBE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT This paper summarizes the article listed in reference that reported on the demise of Enron and the contributing factors that led to the financial downfall of a great company. The roles of the corporate culture, Enron’s financial staff, and even the chief financial officer are all to blame for the events that lead to the finality of the company that resulted in bankruptcy. While Enron boasted about being â€Å"The World’s Leading Company†, it was anything but that. The corporate culture of a company is supposed to describe how the stakeholders and employees, think, feel, and act. If Enron’s financial record is example of that, then the†¦show more content†¦. (L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, amp; Fraedrich, 2011). Enron’s lawyers, Vinson amp; Elkin, were well aware of the scandal that was about to rock the company. In fact, claims allege that Vinson amp; Elkin helped to create the special purpose partnerships that Enron so needed to cover up losses. . (L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, amp; Fraedrich, 2011). Even though fault was not admitted, the law firm paid out millions to settle claims of any wrongdoing. Merrill Lynch went under scrutiny when it allegedly made a deal with Enron on the procurement of barges, which were falsely reported in earnings. Merrill Lynch was also involved in a situation where a research analyst had fi ndings that Enron was not happy with, and with a push from Merrill Lynch, the analyst rewrote his findings so they were advantageous to Enron. . (L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, amp; Fraedrich, 2011). As Enron’s auditor, Arthur Anderson was responsible for the financial statements and bookkeeping for the company. However, he was found guilty of obstructing justice for destroying auditing documents. . (L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, amp; Fraedrich, 2011). As the CFO of Enron, Andrew Fastow defrauded the company out of $30 million by using partnerships created to show Enron as being debt free, when in fact it owed approximately $1 billion. Fastow took money that should have gone to other entities and when he was found guilty, he surrendered almost $30 million in cash and property. . (L.Show MoreRelatedEnron: Questionable Accounting Leads to Collapse2056 Words  | 9 PagesEnron: Questionable Accounting Leads to Collapse The Enron Corporation was established by integrating two major gas pipelines in 1985. The Company provided products and services related to natural gas, electricity, and communications and it was one of the world’s leading organizations at these sectors with claimed revenues of nearly $101 billion in 2000. 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